About the Author

K.P. Murphy
Raised in Alabama, Kevin loved escaping into fantastic stories set within deep, fleshed out worlds.
After experiencing the stress and ennui that came form working thankless jobs, Kevin sought a better life. So, he began taking a notepad to work with him.
Kevin used every spare second to scribble down notes and ideas, frequently half a sentence at a time. Then, at the end of every day he’d transcribe his notes onto a laptop back at home.
After a particularly bad workday, Kevin quit his job. He had a story roughly laid out and decided to bet on it.
For the next couple of months, Kevin spent all of his time crafting a book. It proved to be a surprising success, without spending a cent on advertising.
Suddenly, Kevin began receiving contacts from publishers, agents, and voice actors who were interested in purchasing audiobook rights. Instead, Kevin decided to contact one of his favorite narrators to create an audiobook.
Even after that success, Kevin wasn’t satisfied. He strove for better quality. So, when the Covid lockdowns began, Kevin decided to bet on himself again.
He began a new series which would be lovingly and painstakingly crafted for as long as it took. He expected to spend two years on the first book. That ballooned into five. But the results were worth it. His fourth book, set in a new world, is an epic story he can finally, truly be proud of.
Kevin then changed his pen name to K.P. Murphy so that a line can be drawn between his early, rougher works, and his new ones of outstanding quality.